What Are Some Fun Things That Sober People Can Do?

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Addiction robs you of not only your health but also the ability to enjoy life like you did before you starting using drugs and alcohol. Right now, you may be looking at sober life with skeptical eyes and wondering if it is actually possible to be happy doing your old favorite activities. Figuring out what are some of the fun things that sober people can do isn’t too hard. After all, the world is filled with activities, places to go and opportunities to engage with others that don’t require drugs and alcohol. The trick is figuring out what interests you the most.

You may find it helpful to remember that there was a time when you enjoyed a sober lifestyle. Even if you started using drugs or alcohol as a teen, there was a time before that when you lived without an addiction. Start your journey towards finding greater happiness by thinking about what brought you joy as a kid. Asking these questions can help you jumpstart your ideas for finding sober things to do.

  • Did you play a sport?
  • Was there something you wanted to try but couldn’t as a kid?
  • Did you play an instrument?
  • Do you love animals÷
  • Did you win an award for something?
  • Have you always loved to paint or draw?

Experiment With New Hobbies and Interests

As you think about your past life, you may find things to do that you can revive in a new way. For example, if you loved playing volleyball as a kid, then you might be able to find an adult pick up team that is looking for people to join in on the fun. Or, you may be able to find an art class to take to expand upon your old skills.

Exploring new hobbies is also a great way to spend your time as you work on staying sober. Perhaps you’ve never tried tap dancing before, or you might have always wanted to go camping. Be willing to experiment, and consider taking up your new sober friends on their offers to do something new. It might feel strange at first to do yoga or play basketball if you’ve never done it before, but you may also discover your new favorite passion.

Explore Opportunities for Physical Activity

In sober homes, you’ll often find that people spend a lot of their time engaging in sober physical activities. Staying active serves several purposes for sobriety that are worth knowing about. It’s practically impossible to drink or use drugs when you are dribbling a basketball around the court. Heading out for a hike without alcohol or drugs means that you’ll have hours outdoors in remote areas where you can’t give into temptation.

Being physically active also helps you to relieve stress and burn off negative energy. If you get stressed out about something in your life, then taking a walk or going for a jog can help clear your head. You’ll also have fun exploring new places or beating your latest time or distance goal. Working out at the gym gives you a sense of accomplishment, and you can use yoga to calm your mind. Most physically active things to do take at least an hour or more to complete, which goes a long way towards filling in your daily schedule.

Find Ways to Socialize Without Using Drugs and Alcohol

Believe it or not, there are fun things to do with other people that don’t involve using drugs. In fact, you’ll find that socializing becomes more fulfilling when you’re not worried about getting in a fight or doing something embarrassing while you are intoxicated. You’ll also have the benefit of waking up with a clear mind and memories of what you did with people the night before.

Sober people still enjoy all of the same social activities as people who use drugs and alcohol. The only difference is that they keep their events drug and alcohol-free. You can plan an outdoor barbecue that includes non-alcoholic beverages. In fact, you can even challenge your new friends to create a signature drink that supports sobriety. Birthdays, holidays and other special occasions are all still options when you surround yourself with sober people. The biggest tip for this way to have fun is to make sure that your friends support your decision to stay sober.

Life in sobriety is brighter and more fun than you might have ever imagined. Are you looking for a supportive group of sober people to have fun with? Give us a call today at (833) 922-2653 to get in touch with the right new friends.

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